I have a select field that has certain elements faded and disabled that I would like to render with WTForms:
<select name="cg" id="cat" class="search_category">
<option value='' >{% trans %}All{% endtrans %}</option>
<option value='' style='background-color:#dcdcc3' id='cat1' disabled="disabled">-- {% trans %}VEHICLES{% endtrans %} --</option>
<option value='2' {% if "2" == cg %} selected="selected" {% endif %} id='cat2' >{% trans %}Cars{% endtrans %}</option>
<option value='3' {% if "3" == cg %} selected="selected" {% endif %} id='cat3' >{% trans %}Motorcycles{% endtrans %}</option>
<option value='4' {% if "4" == cg %} selected="selected" {% endif %} id='cat4' >{% trans %}Accessories & Parts{% endtrans %}</option>
I have a form class that works and I started to implement to localized category variable but I don't know how to make the widget(?) that renders the faded (background-color:#dcdcc3
) and the disabled attributes to an option element:
class AdForm(Form):
my_choices = [('1', _('VEHICLES')), ('2', _('Cars')), ('3', _('Bicycles'))]
name = TextField(_('Name'), [validators.Required(message=_('Name is required'))], widget=MyTextInput())
title = TextField(_('title'), [validators.Required(message=_('Subject is required'))], widget=MyTextInput())
text = TextAreaField(_('Text'),[validators.Required(message=_('Text is required'))], widget=MyTextArea())
phonenumber = TextField(_('Phone number'))
phoneview = BooleanField(_('Display phone number on site'))
price = TextField(_('Price'),[validators.Regexp('\d', message=_('This is not an integer number, please see the example and try again')),validators.Optional()] )
password = PasswordField(_('Password'),[validators.Optional()], widget=PasswordInput())
email = TextField(_('Email'), [validators.Required(message=_('Email is required')), validators.Email(message=_('Your email is invalid'))], widget=MyTextInput())
category = SelectField(choices = my_choices, default = '1')
def validate_name(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 50:
raise ValidationError(_('Name must be less than 50 characters'))
def validate_email(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 60:
raise ValidationError(_('Email must be less than 60 characters'))
def validate_price(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 8:
raise ValidationError(_('Price must be less than 9 integers'))
I can use the variable category from above to render a select for the categories. I also want to enable the special rendering ie disabled elements and faded background. Can you tell me how I should do?
Thank you
When trying the solution from the answer to add the disabled attribute, I get this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/Lexar/montao/lib/webapp2/webapp2.py", line 545, in dispatch
return method(*args, **kwargs)
File "/media/Lexar/montao/montaoproject/i18n.py", line 438, in get
File "/media/Lexar/montao/montaoproject/main.py", line 469, in render_jinja
File "/media/Lexar/montao/montaoproject/jinja2/environment.py", line 894, in render
return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
File "/media/Lexar/montao/montaoproject/templates/insert_jinja.html", line 221, in top-level template code
{{ form.category|safe }}
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
The code I tried was:
from wtforms.widgets import html_params
class SelectWithDisable(object):
Renders a select field.
If `multiple` is True, then the `size` property should be specified on
rendering to make the field useful.
The field must provide an `iter_choices()` method which the widget will
call on rendering; this method must yield tuples of
`(value, label, selected, disabled)`.
def __init__(self, multiple=False):
self.multiple = multiple
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('id', field.id)
if self.multiple:
kwargs['multiple'] = 'multiple'
html = [u'<select %s>' % html_params(name=field.name, **kwargs)]
for val, label, selected, disabled in field.iter_choices():
html.append(self.render_option(val, label, selected, disabled))
return HTMLString(u''.join(html))
def render_option(cls, value, label, selected, disabled):
options = {'value': value}
if selected:
options['selected'] = u'selected'
if disabled:
options['disabled'] = u'disabled'
return HTMLString(u'<option %s>%s</option>' % (html_params(**options), escape(unicode(label))))
class SelectFieldWithDisable(SelectField):
widget = SelectWithDisable()
def iter_choices(self):
for value, label, selected, disabled in self.choices:
yield (value, label, selected, disabled, self.coerce(value) == self.data)
class AdForm(Form):
my_choices = [('1', _('VEHICLES')), ('2', _('Cars')), ('3', _('Motorcycles'))]
nouser = HiddenField(_('No user'))
name = TextField(_('Name'), [validators.Required(message=_('Name is required'))], widget=MyTextInput())
title = TextField(_('Subject'), [validators.Required(message=_('Subject is required'))], widget=MyTextInput())
text = TextAreaField(_('Text'),[validators.Required(message=_('Text is required'))], widget=MyTextArea())
phonenumber = TextField(_('Phone number'))
phoneview = BooleanField(_('Display phone number on site'))
price = TextField(_('Price'),[validators.Regexp('\d', message=_('This is not an integer number, please see the example and try again')),validators.Optional()] )
password = PasswordField(_('Password'),validators=[RequiredIf('nouser', message=_('Password is required'))], widget=MyPasswordInput())
email = TextField(_('Email'), [validators.Required(message=_('Email is required')), validators.Email(message=_('Your email is invalid'))], widget=MyTextInput())
category = SelectFieldWithDisable(choices = my_choices)
def validate_name(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 50:
raise ValidationError(_('Name must be less than 50 characters'))
def validate_email(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 60:
raise ValidationError(_('Email must be less than 60 characters'))
def validate_price(form, field):
if len(field.data) > 8:
raise ValidationError(_('Price must be less than 9 integers'))
I guess I must set the 'disabled' attribute somewhere but where?
Update 2
This was trickier than I thought. There was also a solution suggested on the wtforms mailing list but I couldn't get that to work either (some trivial error about invalid syntax and not being able to import ecscape from wtforms so the action I took was updating my wtforms from the hg repository if something important changed there.
From the answer here I either get Need more than 2 values to unpack
or ValueError: too many values to unpack
so I canät seem to get it right. In my template what I'm trying to render is
{{ form.category }}
and my form class is
class AdForm(Form):
my_choices = [('1', _('VEHICLES'), False, True), ('2', _('Cars'), False, False), ('3', _('Motorcycles'), False, False)]
category = SelectFieldWithDisable(choices = my_choices)
with the added classes I got from here:
class SelectWithDisable(object):
Renders a select field.
If `multiple` is True, then the `size` property should be specified on
rendering to make the field useful.
The field must provide an `iter_choices()` method which the widget will
call on rendering; this method must yield tuples of
`(value, label, selected, disabled)`.
def __init__(self, multiple=False):
self.multiple = multiple
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('id', field.id)
if self.multiple:
kwargs['multiple'] = 'multiple'
html = [u'<select %s>' % html_params(name=field.name, **kwargs)]
for val, label, selected, disabled in field.iter_choices():
html.append(self.render_option(val, label, selected, disabled))
return HTMLString(u''.join(html))
def render_option(cls, value, label, selected, disabled):
options = {'value': value}
if selected:
options['selected'] = u'selected'
if disabled:
options['disabled'] = u'disabled'
return HTMLString(u'<option %s>%s</option>' % (html_params(**options), escape(unicode(label))))
class SelectFieldWithDisable(SelectField):
widget = SelectWithDisable()
def iter_choices(self):
for value, label, selected, disabled in self.choices:
yield (value, label, selected, disabled, self.coerce(value) == self.data)