I'm working with Firebase - Cloud Firestore and at the moment I would like to paginate all the records available. I already have a list of records and what is left is some pagination for this. I'm new with Cloud Firestore, so any clarity is appreciated.
I checked the Firestore documentation (https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/query-cursors#paginate_a_query) and examples with ReactJS, but there is not much available.
I understand that eg:.startAt(0), .limit(10)
, but the question is how to paginate properly with this component called at the render method.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Pagination from "react-js-pagination";
import firestore from "./Firebase";
export default class DataList extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
dbItems: [],
currentPage: 1,
itemsPerPage: 3,
totalItemCount: 1,
activePage: 15
this.handlePageChange = this.handlePageChange.bind(this);
handlePageChange(pageNumber) {
console.log(`active page is ${pageNumber}`);
this.setState({ activePage: pageNumber });
async getItems() {
const { currentPage, itemsPerPage } = this.state;
const startAt = currentPage * itemsPerPage - itemsPerPage;
const usersQuery = firestore.collection('Users').orderBy("email").startAt(startAt).limit(itemsPerPage)
const snapshot = await usersQuery.get()
const items = snapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data())
return this.setState({
dbItems: items,
totalItemCount: firestore.collection('Users').get().then(res => console.log(res.size))
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
const isDifferentPage = this.state.currentPage !== prevState.currentPage
if (isDifferentPage) this.getItems()
render() {
return (
{this.state.dbItems.map((users, index) => {
return (
<p key={index}>
<b>First Name:</b> {users.firstname} <br />
<b>Email:</b> {users.email}
Thank you for the help!
Pagination can be achieved using startAt()
// Get Items.
async getItems() {
const {currentPage, itemsPerPage} = this.state
const startAt = currentPage * itemsPerPage - itemsPerPage
const query = firestore.collection('Users').startAt(startAt).limit(itemsPerPage)
const snapshot = await query.get()
const items = snapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data())
return this.setState({dbItems: items})
// Did Mount.
componentDidMount() {
// Did Update.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
const isDifferentPage = this.state.currentPage !== prevState.currentPage
if (isDifferentPage) this.getItems()
Use startAt() or startAfter() for that
Anyone new to Firestore and Firestore Pagination with ReactJS that would be kinda confusing to understand how Pagination will work or when to trigger call to next set of documents in firestore. anyone struggle like this try my example to make some ideas and process ahead.(Im using React-Bootstrap to render UI Elements)
01 - Install Package react-infinite-scroll-component
First Install this package yarn add react-infinite-scroll-component
02 - Include Package
Include it to your file by 'import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-component';'
importing it
03 - Init State
initiate state with empty list array
this.state = {
list: [],
04 - Create Function to get first set of data and initiate it with component did mount
//component did mount will fetch first data from firestore
let set = this
//initiate first set
var first = set.ref.collection("users").limit(12);
first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
//initiate local list
const list = [];
documentSnapshots.forEach(function(doc) {
//im fetching only name and avatar url you can get any data
//from your firestore as you like
const { name, avatar_full_url } = doc.data();
//pushing it to local array
list.push({ key: doc.id, name, avatar_full_url });
//set state with updated array of data
//also save last fetched data in state
set.setState({ list, last: lastVisible });
05 - Create function to get balance data set
fetchMoreData = () => {
let set = this
//get last state we added from getUsers()
let last = this.state.last
var next = set.ref.collection("users").startAfter(last).limit(12);
next.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
const list = [];
documentSnapshots.forEach(function(doc) {
//im fetching only name and avatar url you can get any data
//from your firestore as you like
const { name, avatar_full_url } = doc.data();
list.push({ key: doc.id, name, avatar_full_url });
//set state with updated array of data
//also save last fetched data in state
let updated_list = set.state.list.concat(list);
set.setState({ list: updated_list, last: lastVisible });
06 - Render UI
loader={<span className="text-secondary">loading</span>}>
<Row className="mt-3">
{ this.state.list.map((single, index) => (
<Col lg={4} key={ index }>
<Image src={ single.avatar_full_url }roundedCircle width="100" />
<h2>{ single.name }</h2>