Force Sphinx to interpret Markdown in Python docst

2020-06-19 06:23发布


I'm using Sphinx to document a python project. I would like to use Markdown in my docstrings to format them. Even if I use the recommonmark extension, it only covers the .md files written manually, not the docstrings.

I use autodoc, napoleon and recommonmark in my extensions.

How can I make sphinx parse markdown in my docstrings?


Sphinx's autodoc extension emits an event named autodoc-process-docstring every time it processes a doc-string. You can hook into that mechanism to convert the syntax from Markdown to reStructuredText.

I do not know why recommonmark does not offer that functionality out of the box. It should be an easy feature to add. Personally, I use m2r for the conversion in my projects. Because it's fast — much faster than pandoc, for example. Speed is important as the conversion happens on the fly and handles each doc-string individually. Other than that, any Markdown-to-reST converter would do.

Install m2r and add the following to Sphinx's configuration file

import m2r

def docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
    md  = '\n'.join(lines)
    rst = m2r.convert(md)
    lines += rst.splitlines()

def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', docstring)

[Edited to add…]

Just like above, but with commonmark:

import commonmark

def docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
    md  = '\n'.join(lines)
    ast = commonmark.Parser().parse(md)
    rst = commonmark.ReStructuredTextRenderer().render(ast)
    lines += rst.splitlines()

def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', docstring)

This uses the same Markdown parser as the Sphinx extension recommonmark and is as fast as m2r, which means next to no effect on build time compared to native reStructuredText.