How do I preform a redirect in an angular intercep

2020-06-19 03:17发布


Hi guys I am pretty new to angular, and I had a question on the best way to handle a redirect within an interceptor.

I have certain pages in my app that I should only be able to access if I have an account selected. So if an account is not selected I want the route the user to page to select the account.

The following is my failed attempt:

    // within config

    $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, $injector){
        return {
            'request': function(config) {
                var state = $injector.get('$state');

                if('user.list')) {
                    var accountService = $injector.get('AccountService');

                        // cancel the current request
                        var defer = $q.defer();
                        config.timeout = defer.promise;



                return config;

This is causing an infinite loop for me. For some reason when state.go fires -- and it gets re-intercepted the state is still "user.list"

Note: I am using ui-router, angular 1.2.6

Another Note: The other place I thought of putting this was in a state.resolve block.

Thanks for you help!


do it like this


full code below

var interceptor = ['$location', '$q', '$injector', function($location, $q, $injector) {
    function success(response) {
        return response;

    function error(response) {

        if(response.status === 401) {
            return $q.reject(response);
        else {
            return $q.reject(response);

    return function(promise) {
        return promise.then(success, error);



  • I think you may want to try $location.path(destination) instead of $state.go(destination).
  • You'd better not put your redirect logic under 'request' block as accountService.accountSelected() may also make a request. here is the doc of $http interceptors
  • If you only have several routes which need to check account, it is better to put it in state.resolve block as you point out or put it in corresponding controller.