I'm trying to configure a Flow in spring batch using java-config, this flow basically has to do this:
Execute a init step(which adds a record in the database),
then execute a decider to check file existence,
2.1. IF the files exists it will execute the load job (which is another flow with a bunch of steps in parallel)
- Execute a finish step (which adds a record in the database), this should always run, even if 2.1 was not executed.
I tried to do this configuration, but the finish step never runs:
Flow flow = new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("commonFlow")
I'm able to make it work doing as below, but it is not elegant at all:
Step finishStep = stepBuilderFactory.get("finishStep").tasklet(finishTasklet).build();
Flow flow = new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("commonFlow")
Does anybody know how is the right way to execute a step after a decision using java-config?