I am creating an application framework that can be shared between .Net Core 1.2, .Net Core 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6+. So I choose the target framework of my project as .NET Standard. In my framework project I have factory class that is used to send a text message or email. On application startup, each application configures the factory with the supported services as singleton instance with DI framework.
public class MyFactory : IMyFactory
private ILogger _logger;
private IDictionary<string,IMyService> _container = new Dictionary<string,IMyService>();
// this method is called on application startup to configure supported services
public void Configure(string[] keys, ILogger logger)
foreach(var key in keys)
if(key == "text")
container.Add(key,new TextMessageService());
if(key == "email")
container.Add(key,new EmailService());
//application call this method to send message
public bool SendMessage(string key, string message)
// we don't want application to stop when publish fail, so we add try-catch and log the message
var flag = false;
var service= container[key];
flag = true;
class(Exception ex)
return flag;
Issue: the publish method could fail for any reason. And in such case I don't want application to stop, instead the framework should log the error message. My problem is since the framework can be shared between different .NET frameworks, I don't know which type of ILooger
I should be using that can be shared between .NET Core and .NET Full.
I am trying to avoid creating my own ILogger
interface. Also currently all applications are using Serilog
but in future that could change.
Can Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
be used here?