
Get prediction percentage in WEKA using own Java c

2020-06-18 10:01发布



I know that one can get the percentages of each prediction in a trained WEKA model through the GUI and command line options as conveniently explained and demonstrated in the documentation article "Making predictions".


I know that there are three ways documented to get these predictions:

  1. command line
  2. GUI
  3. Java code/using the WEKA API, which I was able to do in the answer to "Get risk predictions in WEKA using own Java code"
  4. this fourth one requires a generated WEKA .MODEL file

I have a trained .MODEL file and now I want to classify new instances using this together with the prediction percentages similar to the one below (an output of the GUI's Explorer, in CSV format):


The predicted column is what I want to get from a .MODEL file.

What I know

Based from my experience with the WEKA API approach, one can get these predictions using the following code (the PlainText inserted into an Evaluation object) BUT I do not want to do k-fold cross-validation that is provided by the Evaluation object.

StringBuffer predictionSB = new StringBuffer();
Range attributesToShow = null;
Boolean outputDistributions = new Boolean(true);

PlainText predictionOutput = new PlainText();

Evaluation evaluation = new Evaluation(data);
evaluation.crossValidateModel(j48Model, data, numberOfFolds,
        randomNumber, predictionOutput, attributesToShow,


From the WEKA documentation

Note that a .MODEL file classifies data from an .ARFF or related input is discussed in "Use Weka in your Java code" and "Serialization" a.k.a. "How to use a .MODEL file in your own Java code to classify new instances" (why the vague title smfh).

Using own Java code to classify

Loading a .MODEL file is through "Deserialization" and the following is for versions > 3.5.5:

// deserialize model
Classifier cls = (Classifier) weka.core.SerializationHelper.read("/some/where/j48.model");

An Instance object is the data and it is fed to the classifyInstance. An output is provided here (depending on the data type of the outcome attribute):

// classify an Instance object (testData)

The question "How to reuse saved classifier created from explorer(in weka) in eclipse java" has a great answer too!


I have already checked the Javadocs for Classifier (the trained model) and Evaluation (just in case) but none directly and explicitly addresses this issue.

The only thing closest to what I want is the classifyInstances method of the Classifier:

Classifies the given test instance. The instance has to belong to a dataset when it's being classified. Note that a classifier MUST implement either this or distributionForInstance().

How can I simultaneously use a WEKA .MODEL file to classify and get predictions of a new instance using my own Java code (aka using the WEKA API)?


This answer simply updates my answer from How to reuse saved classifier created from explorer(in weka) in eclipse java.

I will show how to obtain the predicted instance value and the prediction percentage (or distribution). The example model is a J48 decision tree created and saved in the Weka Explorer. It was built from the nominal weather data provided with Weka. It is called "tree.model".

import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.core.Instances;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        String rootPath="/some/where/"; 
        Instances originalTrain= //instances here

        //load model
        Classifier cls = (Classifier) weka.core.SerializationHelper.read(rootPath+"tree.model");

        //predict instance class values
        Instances originalTrain= //load or create Instances to predict

        //which instance to predict class value
        int s1=0;

        //perform your prediction
        double value=cls.classifyInstance(originalTrain.instance(s1));

        //get the prediction percentage or distribution
        double[] percentage=cls.distributionForInstance(originalTrain.instance(s1));

        //get the name of the class value
        String prediction=originalTrain.classAttribute().value((int)value); 

        System.out.println("The predicted value of instance "+
                                ": "+prediction); 

        //Format the distribution
        String distribution="";
        for(int i=0; i <percentage.length; i=i+1)
        distribution=distribution.substring(0, distribution.length()-1);

        System.out.println("Distribution:"+ distribution);


The output from this is:

The predicted value of instance 0: no  
Distribution: *1, 0