I'm working on an image classification problem and I'm creating a bag of words model. To do that, I extracted the SIFT descriptors of all my images and I have to use the KMeans algorithm to find the centers to use as my bag of words.
Here is the data I have:
- Number of images: 1584
- Number of SIFT descriptors (vector of 32 elements): 571685
- Number of center: 15840
So I ran a KMeans algorithm to compute my centers:
dico = pickle.load(open('./dico.bin', 'rb')) # np.shape(dico) = (571685, 32)
k = np.size(os.listdir(img_path)) * 10 # = 1584 * 10
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, n_init=1, verbose=1).fit(dico)
pickle.dump(kmeans, open('./kmeans.bin', 'wb'))
pickle.dump(kmeans.cluster_centers_, open('./dico_reduit.bin', 'wb'))
With this code, I got a Memory Error because I don't have enough memory on my laptop (only 2GB) so I decided to divide by 2 the number of center and to choose randomly half of my SIFT descriptors. This time, I got Value Error : array is too big
What can I do to get a relevant result without memory problem?