I am having a really bad time trying to get "asciifolding" working for my Rails app. I want to search words containing "accented" characters for example i want "foróige" to come up when i search "foroige". I have tried many things. A couple of them are below.
analysis: {
analyzer: {
text: {
tokenizer: "standard",
filter: ["standard","lowercase", "asciifolding"],
char_filter: 'html_strip'
sortable: {
tokenizer: "keyword",
filter: ["lowercase", "asciifolding"],
char_filter: 'html_strip'
I have also tried char_filter by following James Healey charmap for sphinx for accented characters. http://yob.id.au/2008/05/08/thinking-sphinx-and-unicode.html
Any help is highly appreciated.