In Mac OS X Lion CARemoteLayerServer and CARemoteLayerClient were added to QuartzCore. I've been trying to investigate if they'd be suitable for splitting a graphical application between multiple processes, but without success.
I can use them successfully within a single process, with some code along the lines of this:
- (void)buildLayerSingleProcess
CARemoteLayerServer *server = [CARemoteLayerServer sharedServer];
self.client = [[CARemoteLayerClient alloc] initWithServerPort: server.serverPort];
uint32_t clientID = self.client.clientId;
CALayer *layer1 = [CALayer layer];
layer1.bounds = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
CGColorRef color = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0);
[layer1 setBackgroundColor: color];
[layer1 setOpacity: 0.75];
[layer1 setBorderWidth: 5.0f];
layer1.position = CGPointMake([[self.window contentView] frame].size.width / 2.0, [[self.window contentView] frame ].size.height / 2.0);
self.client.layer = layer2;
CALayer *servedLayer = [CALayer layerWithRemoteClientId: self.client.clientId];
[[[self.window contentView] layer] addSublayer: servedLayer];
Which is nice, but I'd like to try and do something similar between processes. The fact that server.serverPort is of type mach_port_t implies that it'd be suitable for use between processes.
However, when I split that code up to run in two processes (either two individual apps, or a main process and an XPC service), when I try to initialise the CARemoteLayerClient with the mach_port_t from the server in the other process I get:
unable to register with server: 0x10000003
It may well be they're not suited for between random processes, but the use of mach_port_t kinda implies that.
Has anyone else had any success using these classes between processes?