I have been looking into the possibility of reflection in JavaScript. I already have a simple reflector which can list the members of an object/function, like so:
window["Foo"] = {
"Bar": {
"Test": function () {
this.x = 32;
this._hello = "Hello World";
this._item = 123.345;
this.hello = function() {
this.goodbye = function() {
$(document).ready(function () {
var x = new Foo.Bar.Test();
Reflect(new Foo.Bar.Test());
function Reflect(obj) {
for (var item in obj) {
$("body").append(item + "(" + typeof obj[item] + ") = " + obj[item] + "<br />");
x(number) = 32
_hello(string) = Hello World
_item(number) = 123.345
hello(function) = function () { alert("hello"); }
goodbye(function) = function () { alert("goodbye"); }
The next part of my challenge is to build something which can reflect back (if possible) an objects name, and the path to the object.
using this example:...
var x = new Foo.Bar.Test();
How can I reflect back "Test", from x? For example:
ReflectName(x); //returns "Test";
Also how can I reflect back the path to x? For example:
ReflectPath(x) //returns Foo.Bar.Test
Is is possible to do these two things using JavaScript? I have researched this, and so far have not managed to come up with any viable solutions.
I do not want a solution that requires hard coding the name and path of the object/function, as this would defeat the point of using reflection.