I'm experimenting with interpreting strings in Scala to define classes and methods. I used the example from http://scala-programming-language.1934581.n4.nabble.com/Compiling-a-Scala-Snippet-at-run-time-td2000704.html in the following code:
import scala.tools.nsc.{Interpreter,Settings}
var i = new Interpreter(new Settings(str => println(str)))
i.interpret("class Test { def hello = \"Hello World\"}")
It works, but somehow the intepretation results are not happening at the global namespace:
new Test # => <console>:5: error: not found: type Test
Therefore: How to execute interpreter statements so that the results are defined in the global scope? I'm using scala2.7.7final currently, and can't change the interpreter to 2.8.
Thanks for your help