How to filter a collection in thymeleaf th:each us

2020-06-17 07:07发布


I am trying to filter the collection using Thymeleaf by following the example in the following url. "Projection & selection on collection" section.

<tr th:each="artist,rowStat : ${listArtits.?[alive == true]}">

However I would like to use another property instead of fixed value (true/false). For example

<tr th:each="artist,rowStat : ${listArtits.?[played > playedCountReq]}">

where as playedCountReq is another form variable available to Thymeleaf. I get the following error. Property or field 'playedCountReq' cannot be found on object of type ...

I tried multiple ways but no success. Any suggestions?


I succeded :) Here is solution:

in controller:

Person p1 = new Person();
Person p2 = new Person();
List<Person> list = Lists.newArrayList(p1,p2);
modelMap.addAttribute("list", list);
Integer minAge = 13;
modelMap.addAttribute("minAge", minAge);

in html:

<table th:with="min=${minAge}">
<tr th:each="person,rowStat : ${list.?[age > __${min}__]}">
<td><span th:text="${person.age}"></span></td>



Hope this help


Within the selection filter, unqualified properties are relative to the element of the collection being filtered. But, the variable #root is always defined to be the root context object. This is how you can refer to variables at the root level from within the selection filter.

<tr th:each="artist,rowStat : ${listArtists.?[played gt #root.playedCountReq]}">

Refer to "The #this and #root variables" section in the Spring EL documentation for more information.