Using Pre/Post Spring-Security Annotations with Gr

2020-06-16 09:56发布


I'm developing a Grails (Version 1.3.3) Web-Application using the Grails Spring-Security Plugin, Spring-Security-Core-1.0.1 (which, in turn, uses spring-security-3.0.2.RELEASE).

I would like to provide Spring-Security annotation-based access control on actions within a controller.

I have been able to successfully do basic authentication using the following annotations:

def list = {

This works - providing access to the list action/view only to those with the ROLE_USER role.

However, the set of which roles are allowed to perform certain controller-actions may change over time and is a function of the system's overall state. That is, the set of roles allowed to perform a given action might be returned by a service or domain-object method.

One way I might be able to do something like this would be to use Spring-Security's "Expression Based Access Control" (@Pre and @Post annotations), something like the example at the Spring Security Documentation:

 @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#contact, 'admin')")
 public void deletePermission(Contact contact, Sid recipient, Permission permission);

In this example for access control decisions, one can gain access to the objects sent to the method (eg contact) using the #contact syntax.

However, I can't get @PreAuthorize (or @RolesAllowed) annotations to work on a Grails controller-action. If I annotate the list action with @PreAuthorize (rather than @Secured, as above), I get the following error:

Annotation is not allowed on element FIELD

This isn't surprising -- the action is a Groovy closure (a field with executable code), rather than a method. However, I've also tried using the annotation on methods, called from the closure, like:

  def list = {

  public boolean testMethod(){
    println "testMethod succeess"
    return true;

While this doesn't throw any errors, it also doesn't appear to provide any access control. ("testMethod success" is printed whether or not the user has ROLE_USER).

So, I've tried a few different things (and read the documentation), but haven't been able to work out a nice way of using @PreAuthorize annotations with a Grails controller-action. Is this possible? Is there a better way in a Grails app to use Spring-Security-Annotations to provide access-control that is a function of the state of the system?


You need to use the ACL plugin to use those annotations, but they won't work on controller actions for the reasons you point out. @Secured works because I created a copy of the Spring Security annotation that allows it to be placed on fields as well as methods and classes, and I look for them and wire them up explicitly. You'll need to use annotated services that you call from your controllers.