I was trying to write an immutable Matrix[A]
class. I want the class to be covariant on A
but when I put +
in front of A
compiler starts complaining about some operations in the class.
Following is a relevant subset of my Matrix
class (The actual class is some 5 times bigger than the following subset):
class Matrix[+A] private(val contents: Vector[Vector[A]])(implicit numericEv: Numeric[A])
extends ((Int, Int) => A) with Proxy {
import numericEv._
import Prelude._
// delegate `equals` and `hashCode` implementations to `contents`
override def self = contents
val nRows: Int = contents.length
val nColumns: Int = contents(0).length.ensuring { len =>
contents.forall(_.length == len)
def dimensions = (nRows, nColumns)
def isSquare = nRows == nColumns
def hasSameOrderAs[B : Numeric](that: Matrix[B]) = this.dimensions == that.dimensions
def isComformableWith[B : Numeric](that: Matrix[B]) = this.nColumns == that.nRows
private def assertSameOrder[B : Numeric](that: Matrix[B]) {
assert(this.hasSameOrderAs(that), "Matrices differ in dimensions.")
private def assertIsSquare() {
assert(this.isSquare, "Not a square matrix.")
def zipWith[B : Numeric, C : Numeric](that: Matrix[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Matrix[C] = {
val zippedContents = (contents, that.contents).zipped.map((v1, v2) => (v1, v2).zipped.map(f))
def map[B : Numeric](f: A => B): Matrix[B] = {
def transpose: Matrix[A] = {
def +(that: Matrix[A]): Matrix[A] = this.zipWith(that)(_ + _)
def -(that: Matrix[A]): Matrix[A] = this.zipWith(that)(_ - _)
def *(scalar: A): Matrix[A] = this.map(_ * scalar)
def *(that: Matrix[A]): Matrix[A] = {
Matrix.tabulate(this.nRows, that.nColumns) { (r, c) =>
(this(r), that.transpose(c)).zipped.map(_ * _).sum
object Matrix {
def apply[A : Numeric](rows: Vector[A]*): Matrix[A] = Matrix(Vector(rows: _*))
def apply[A : Numeric](contents: Vector[Vector[A]]): Matrix[A] = new Matrix(contents)
def tabulate[A : Numeric](nRows: Int, nColumns: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => A): Matrix[A] = {
Matrix(Vector.tabulate(nRows, nColumns)(f))
Compiler shows the error "Covariant type A occurs in contravariant position" for the last four operations in the class. I am unable to understand the reason for these errors, and how to get rid of it. Please explain the reason behind these errors and suggest a way to work around them. Thanks.