I am making an RMarkdown document using RStudio and knitr. I want my code chunks to print without wrapping text on the html file I create. Is there an option I am missing that stops text wrapping of code? So far I have only found questions about how to remove scrollbars, making me think that maybe something has changed recently. (RStudio Version 0.99.892, R Version 3.2.2) Thanks!
Simple example RMarkdown document. (The setup section is the default):
title: "Stop looking bad RMarkdown!"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
#### I want this to print without text wrapping:
x <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 20, data = 1)
If you run that you will see that the matrix x is split into 2 lines. I want it to just be one line that you have to scroll along to see the whole thing.