I'm having some difficulties setting up static website hosting using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront.
We have many websites that we would like to serve as static websites using Amazon S3 + Cloudfront and we would prefer to host them all in a single S3 bucket.
Initial setup is pretty straight forward but we are having issues with sub-folder redirects if omitting trailing slash in the URL.
example, setting up a single website from the bucket:
bucket contents for website1:
I have enabled static website hosting for this bucket with default document set to 'index.html'
I have created a Cloudfront web distribution to serve this single website, default root object is set to 'index.html'.
The distribution has a custom origin pointing to the static website url 'bucket-name.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com' with Origin Path set to '/websites/website1'
When navigating to the distribution url 'http://example.cloudfront.net' it correctly serves the 'index.html' document from 's3://bucket-name/websites/website1/index.html'
When navigating to 'http://example.cloudfront.net/about/' it also correctly serves the 'index.html' document from 's3://bucket-name/websites/website1/about/index.html'
But, if I omit the trailing slash like 'http://example.cloudfront.net/about' S3 redirects me to 'http://example.cloudfront.net/websites/website1/about/', since I have Origin Path set to '/websites/website1' Cloudfront will request index.html from 's3://bucket-name/websites/website1/about/websites/website1/about/index.html' which does not exist.
Am I missing something here? Is this an impossible setup using only Cloudfront and S3?