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Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger
I'm new to Android and java programming and have been playing around a bit with mobile app development. I recently created a View which simply keeps draws lines in step with the user's finger movements. However, I've been having some trouble with the Canvas.drawLines method.
Instead of getting a continuous set of lines between all points I am getting more of a dashed pattern with breaks between segments:
Here is a sample set of data and simple code to reproduce the issue (point data was taken from a real finger swipe):
public class SomeView extends android.view.View
private float[] _data = { 292.36545f, 104.37576f, 285.3567f, 112.39249f, 274.34293f, 113.39456f, 254.3179f, 115.39874f, 248.3104f, 116.40082f, 228.28535f, 118.405f, 214.26784f, 119.407104f, 211.26408f, 119.407104f, 204.25533f, 120.40918f, 202.25282f, 120.40918f, 201.25157f, 121.411255f, 199.24907f, 124.41754f, 197.24657f, 125.41962f, 196.24532f, 130.43005f, 195.24406f, 139.44885f, 197.24657f, 144.45929f };
private Paint _paint;
public SomeView( Context c, AttributeSet attrs)
super( c, attrs );
_paint = new Paint();
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawLines( _data, _paint);
After plotting out each point and overlaying it atop the line I realized that the problem is actually that each point is not being connected, only every two points. Instead of connecting point 1 to point 2 to point 3 and so on, the method is connecting 1 to 2 and then 3 to 4 as shown below:
I can almost get what I want by drawing calling drawLines
again and providing an offset this time so that the other pairs are drawn together as well, but this seems inefficient and generally clunky to me, and the line still isn't completely smooth (gets slightly choppy on corners).
So, my question is; what am I doing wrong and how can I draw a simple, smooth line given some number of points? Heck, forget the points, if there is a better way to trace the user's finger with a line I am all ears. Thanks in advance.