We need to test a long process of steps for one Feature. From logging in to many modal dialogs, multi-step forms, and users of different roles all interacting. How can we break parts of this process down into individual Scenarios?
Here is an example:
Scenario: New Manuscript
Given I am on the manuscripts page
When I press "Submit A New Manuscript"
Then I should see "Please specify this manuscript's type"
Scenario: Choose Manuscript Type
Given I am choosing a manuscript type
When I click "Original Paper"
Then I should see "Edit Manuscript Details"
Scenario: Edit Manuscript Details
Given I am editing manuscript details
And I am on the editing page
When I fill in "Manuscript Title" with "Testing Story"
Then I should see "Suggest Reviewers"
And so on and so on for dozens of scenarios. The problem is each scenario is built off of the last one. How can I test each scenario in isolation without repeating all of the previous ones?