What's the best way to test a bunch of different test cases with RSpec?
For example, given string-additions.rb:
require 'rspec'
class String
if method_defined? :reverse_words
raise "String#reverse_words is already defined"
def reverse_words
split(' ').reverse!.join(' ')
describe String do
describe "#reverse_words" do
specify { "hello".reverse_words.should eq("hello") }
specify { "hello world".reverse_words.should eq("world hello") }
specify { "bob & pop run".reverse_words.should eq("run pop & bob") }
when I run rspec string-additions.rb --color --format doc
, I get:
should == hello
should == world hello
should == run pop & bob
However, I'd like to get sensible output, like this:
"hello" => "hello"
"hello world" => "world hello"
"bob & pop run" => "run pop & bob"
And, I'd like to DRY up my specs a bit. Does RSpec provide a template for DRYing up this sort of multiple-case testing? Something similar to Cucumber scenario outlines?
Note: This question is similar to Is there an equivalent in RSpec to Cucumber's “Scenarios” or am I using RSpec the wrong way? but provides an example that should be tested with RSpec rather than Cucumber.