Issue: After clicking on a link that downloads content, all other links that have target="_blank" and no download attr download when clicked instead of opening in the new tab.
Browser: Safari 11.0.2
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="script.js"></script>
<li>Click <a href='sample.txt' target='_blank'>ME</a> (download NOT present) to see page load in new tab then come back to this page</li>
<li>Click <a href='sample.txt' download='sample.txt'>ME</a> (download PRESENT) to see it downloaded</li>
<li>Click <a href='sample.txt' target='_blank'>ME</a> (download NOT present). Safari forces this link to download</li>
Code Sample:
- Click a link with download attribute
- After the download click a link on the same page with target="_blank" and see that it's forced to download instead of opening in a new tab.
Update: I updated the issue hopefully to explain better what's happening. I've found a sort of workaround, but if I change the links to _self instead of _blank then they work like normal after a download.