My code below generates the error
'WorldObject': [Base class undefined (translated from german)]
Why is this? Here is the code which produces this error:
#pragma once
#include "GameObjects.h"
class WorldObject;
class ProjectilObject: public WorldObject
ProjectilObject(IGameObject* parent,int projectiltype);
void deleteyourself();
virtual void VProcEvent( long hashvalue, std::stringstream &stream);
virtual void VInit();
virtual void VInitfromStream( std::stringstream &stream );
virtual void VonUpdate();
virtual void VonRender();
vec3 vel;
float lifetime;
float lifetimeend;
vec3 target;
int m_projectiltype;
Here is the code file from the WorldObject class:
#pragma once
#include "IGameObject.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "GamePath.h"
#include "HashedString/String.h"
#include "IAttribute.h"
#include "CharacterObjects.h"
class WorldObject: public IGameObject, public MRenderAble
WorldObject(IGameObject* parent);
virtual bool IsDestroyAble();
virtual bool IsMageAble();
virtual bool IsRenderAble();
virtual void VProcEvent( long hashvalue, std::stringstream &stream);
virtual void VonUpdate();
virtual void VonRender();
virtual void VInit() =0;
virtual void VInitfromStream( std::stringstream &stream ) =0;
virtual void VSerialize( std::stringstream &stream );
vec3 poscam;
There are some other classes in this file but they shouldn't matter, I don't think. Maybe there is a tiny error I didn't saw but I don't understand why this error is produced. When you need more of the code feel free.