I have developed an application for Android that displays video from my channel on YouTube using YouTube API.
I show the video directly through YouTubePlayerView class. I don't use authorization of users on YouTube, just show video in player from my channel.
I also use video ad in the same Activity. I show video ad before YouTube video. But I'm not sure that this is so important.
Also I have another activity that show list of videos from my channel. For list item I use title of video and thumbnail. I take title and thumbnail from YouTube site using:
http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + url + "/default.jpg
http://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + id + "&format=json
Everything works fine. But when I downloaded the app on Google Play, my application was removed. Here is what they wrote:
"After a regular review, we have determined that your app downloads, monetizes, or otherwise accesses YouTube videos in violation of the YouTube Terms of Service or YouTube API Terms of Service. Accessing content, a product, or service in an unauthorized manner is a violation of the Developer Distribution Agreement, and is not allowed on Google Play"
What should I do, that they accepted my application?