I am getting this JS error: ReferenceError: event is not defined when I try to pass the event object to click binding when I use Firefox 23. Everything works fine under Chrome
Here the code:
<!-- ko foreach: entries -->
<tr data-bind="click: function(){ $parent.expandRow($data, event) }">
<!-- /ko -->
vm.entries.expandRow = function(entry, event){
Here the solution from github.com/knockout/knockout/issues/752
<!-- ko foreach: entries -->
<tr data-bind="click: function(data, event){ $parent.expandRow($data, event) }">
<!-- /ko -->
Under Firefox event is not defined on the window object, instead it needs to be passed to the function.
I know that this is a pretty old question, but still if someone is looking for the answer then I achieved it in the following way:
<div id="this-element" data-bind="click : function(){ $root.clicked(event)}">
Following code (clicked function) is written in the ViewModel for the page:
this.clicked= function (event) {
Knockout 3.4.2
jQuery 3.2.1