Is there a way to avoid it?
If my text is "Blablabla" and it doesn't fit in a square, I don't want to have something like:
I want "Blablabla" with a smaller font size. Is there a way to control whether the autosizing TextView will split up words or not?
Here's an example of the issue:
The minimum text size there is 1sp
, so it's pretty clear the word could fit with a decreased text size.
It seems this has been reported:
I've actually reported about this issue in the past (here and here, one you've already found out about), but it seems there is a solution, or at least it seems to work for me.
I think the tip could help:
This means you can choose the break strategy for the textView. Example:
android:layout_width="250dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="#f00"
android:breakStrategy="balanced" android:hyphenationFrequency="none"
android:text="This is an example text" android:textSize="30dp" app:autoSizeTextType="uniform"/>
Sadly, this doesn't always seem to work nicely as it should. I've noticed that on Hebrew, it sometimes doesn't get spread well:
But at least it won't put part-words for no reason.
The major disadvantage of using this solution, is that it's available only from API 23 (at least 62% of the devices, according to Android dashboard statistics). Someone has asked it to be on the support library (here), but was told it's impossible.
I had the same problem and found a "precarious" work around. For me it works because the text I needed to put in the textView was only one or two words... Anyway, I hope it helps or, at least, it gives you some inspiration.
Here's what i did:
in XML I added android:maxLines="2"
to the AppCompatTextView.
in code I checked if the text was only ONE word and, if so, set programmatically textView.setMaxLines(1);
I understand it not a perfect nor a universal solution but was good enough for me.
Anyway... if you only need to scale "Blablabla" properly using android:maxLines="1"
should do the trick.
I had a similar issue on a button with Android autotextsizing the string "Reading lists" over two lines as "Readin" and "g lists".
The only successful workaround I could find was to replace the blank space between the words with a line-feed ("\n"). So the string resource became:
<string name="textButtonReadingLists">Reading\nlists</string>
Not ideal, but Android put "Reading" on one line and "lists" below it. Hope that helps someone else.