so I have a local branch A that doesn't exist yet in remote repo. And I have remote branch B in remote repo. How do I merge my local changes into the remote branch?
refer me to some links if you can.
so I have a local branch A that doesn't exist yet in remote repo. And I have remote branch B in remote repo. How do I merge my local changes into the remote branch?
refer me to some links if you can.
If branch B is at local, You can merge A to B locally and push B to remote:
git checkout B
git merge A
git push origin B
If you don't have B at local, you can push A to remote and pull request to merge A to B and click merge
button on github.
or, fetch B branch to local and merge A to B , then push B to remote, like this:
git checkout master
git fetch orign B:B (fetch B to local)
git checkout B (checkout to branch B)
git merge A (merge A to B)
git push origin B (push merged branch B to remote)