Say I have a directory "my_dir" and some files in it. And I have a subdirectory in it "my_dir_subdir".
File structure: "my_dir/my_dir_subdir".
How to track my_dir via git LFS but not track "my_dir/my_dir_subdir/" via git LFS
Say I have a directory "my_dir" and some files in it. And I have a subdirectory in it "my_dir_subdir".
File structure: "my_dir/my_dir_subdir".
How to track my_dir via git LFS but not track "my_dir/my_dir_subdir/" via git LFS
Seems like you can disable a certain rule with preceding it with a hyphen:
*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
Dependencies/*.png -filter=lfs -diff=lfs -merge=lfs -text