I am making a custom admin panel in a namespace "admin".
I have resources "courses" within that namespace.
But I would also like a route to "courses" that is not in that namespace:
eg: BOTH localhost:3000/admin/courses
AND localhost:3000/courses
It's OK if this requires different controllers.
My concern is that its not really DRY if i have both resources for the same route.
namespace admin do
resources :courses
and just
resources :courses
Is there a way to have one resource be shared between namespace and without namespace, or is the example above the way to go?
Oh wait ! There's also the possibility to use concerns !
concern :shared_actions do
resources :courses
resources :something_else
namespace :admin do
concerns :shared_actions
concerns :shared_actions # Will add it to the root namespace ^^
EDIT : apparently this is what this guy also tried to do :D
I'm not really sure I understand what you mean, but
namespace :something
is actually a shorthand for scope :something, module: :something, as: :something
scope :something
will add /something/
as a URL prefix
scope module: :something
will add /something
as a controller prefix (controllers will be fetched under controlelrs/something/the_controller.rb
scope as: :something
will add the something
as a prefix for path helpers
Now it's totally fine to have both in your routes
resources :courses
# Will generate "/courses/", "/courses/new", "/courses/1/edit", ...
# And will point to `controllers/courses_controller.rb`
namespace :admin do
resources :courses
# Will generate "/admin/courses/", "/admin/courses/new", "/admin/courses/1/edit", ...
# And will point to `controllers/admin/courses_controller.rb`
Does this answer your question ?