Windows Forms Separator Control

2020-06-12 06:58发布


Where in VS2010 can I find a horizontal separator control, as can be found in Outlook settings (screenshots below)?

Note: VB.NET preferred, but C# answers okay.


Even though this has been answered, I found the following to be what I need based partly on smoore's answer.

Create a new control. Edit the code to be the following:

public partial class Line : Label
    public override bool AutoSize
            return false;

    public override Size MaximumSize
            return new Size(int.MaxValue, 2);

    public override Size MinimumSize
            return new Size(1, 2);

    public override string Text
            return "";

    public Line()
        this.AutoSize = false;
        this.Height = 2;
        this.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;

Replace Line with the control's class name you want. This will put a separator that will allow you to resize in the designer and disables adding text, changing the autosize forces the size's height to be 2 and width to be whatever you want, and disables adding text.


If I'm not mistaken, that's just a Line control, but I don't think that control exists anymore. Here is a workaround.

label1.AutoSize = False
label1.Height = 2
label1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D


It's not actually included in the standard set of controls (pretty sure it used to be back in the day!) but you can easily create your own or cheat by using a GroupBox with no text and a height of 1px.

UserControl to provide the same thing: (Not written by me, source:

public partial class LineSeparator:UserControl

    public LineSeparator()
        this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(LineSeparator_Paint);
        this.MaximumSize = new Size(2000, 2);
        this.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 2);
        this.Width = 350;

    private void LineSeparator_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        Graphics g = e.Graphics;
        g.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, new Point(0, 0), new Point(this.Width, 0));
        g.DrawLine(Pens.White, new Point(0, 1), new Point(this.Width, 1));