I am using Django Rest Framework and i've included a 3rd party package called REST framework JWT Auth. It returns a token when you send a username/password to a certain route. Then the token is needed for permission to certain routes. However, how do I get the username from the token? I've looked all through the package documentation and went through StackOverflow. It is a JSON Web Token and I am assuming there is a method like username = decode_token(token)
but I haven't found such a method.
Basically you could do this
username = request.user.username
For me with Django (2.0.1), djangorestframework (3.7.7), djangorestframework-jwt (1.11.0).
I had to do following to get my use back user from token:
token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', " ").split(' ')[1]
data = {'token': token}
valid_data = VerifyJSONWebTokenSerializer().validate(data)
user = valid_data['user']
request.user = user
except ValidationError as v:
print("validation error", v)
Or you can write a middleware that would set user based on their token.