I am new in the MongoDB world and now I am struggling of how can I delete, update element in a nested array field of a document. Here is my sample document:
"_id" : ObjectId("55f354533dd61e5004ca5208"),
"Name" : "Hand made products for real!",
"Description" : "Products all made by hand",
"Products" : [
"Identifier" : "170220151653",
"Price" : 20.5,
"Name" : "Leather bracelet",
"Description" : "The bracelet was made by hand",
"ImageUrl" : "https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQii6JCvXtx0iJGWgpvSl-KrdZONKYzDwS0U8uDvUunjO6BO9Aj"
In my method, I get the id of the document and the id(Identifier) of the Product that I want to delete. Can anyone tell me how can I delete from the Products field the element having Identifier: 170220151653?
I tried:
var query = Query.And(Query.EQ("_id", categoryId), Query.EQ("Products.Identifier", productId));
var update = Update.Pull("Products", new BsonDocument() { { "Identifier", productId } });
myDb.Applications().Update(query, update);
as suggested here: MongoDB remove a subdocument document from a subdocument
But I get an error at
It just can't be found.
var pull = Update<Category>.Pull(x => x.Products, builder => builder.EQ(q => q.Identifier, productId));
collection.Update(Query.And(Query.EQ("_id", ObjectId.Parse(categoryId)), Query.EQ("Products.Identifier", productId)), pull);
You are calling method Pull(string name, MongoDB.Bson.BsonValue value)
and according to the docs it
Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to some
value (see $pull)
and you provide { "Identifier", productId }
as the value. I guess that mongo does not find that exact value.
Try to use the second overload of Pull
with query-condition instead of exact value
Removes all values from the named array element that match some query
(see $pull).
var update = Update.Pull("Products", Query.EQ("Identifier", productId));
Since you mention Category
entity so I can suggest using lambda instead of
var pull = Update<Category>.Pull(x => x.Products, builder =>
builder.Where(q => q.Identifier == productId));
I was also facing the same problem and then finally after doing lot of R&D, I came to know that, you have to use PullFilter instead of Pull when you want to delete using filter.
Hi as per my understanding you want to remove whole matched elements of given id and identifier so below query will solve your problem but I don't know how to convert this into C#
, here mongo $pull method used.
db.collectionName.update({"_id" : ObjectId("55f354533dd61e5004ca5208")}, {"$pull":{"Products":{"Identifier":"170220151653"}}})
Solution for C# MongoDB Driver. You can set empty []
the nested array.
var filter = Builders<MyUser>.Filter.Where(mu => mu.Id == "my user id");
var update = Builders<MyUser>.Update.Set(mu => mu.Phones, new List<Phone>());
_repository.Update(filter, update);
I had the same of deleting elements from the nestest array but after research, I found this piece of working code.
var update = Builders<Category>.Update.PullFilter(y => y.Products, builder => builder.Identifier== productId);
var result = await _context.Category.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
return result.IsAcknowledged && result.ModifiedCount > 0;