I've been working with and testing a self-registering, abstract factory based upon the one described here:
In all my test cases, it works like a charm, and provides the features and reuse I wanted.
Linking in this factory in my project using cmake has been quite tricky (though it seems to be more of an ar problem).
I have the identical base.hpp, derivedb.hpp/cpp, and an equivalent deriveda.hpp/cpp to the example linked. In main, I simply instantiate the factory and call createInstance() twice, once each with "DerivedA" and "DerivedB".
The executable created by the line:
g++ -o testFactory main.cpp derivedb.o deriveda.o
works as expected. Moving my derived classes into a library (using cmake, but I have tested this with ar alone as well) and then linking fails:
ar cr libbase.a deriveda.o derivedb.o
g++ -o testFactory libbase.a main.cpp
only calls the first static instantiation (from derivedA.cpp) and never the second static instantiation, i.e.
// deriveda.cpp (if listed first in the "ar" line, this gets called)
DerivedRegister<DerivedA> DerivedA::reg("DerivedA");
// derivedb.cpp (if listed second in the "ar" line, this does not get called)
DerivedRegister<DerivedB> DerivedB::reg("DerivedB");
Note that swapping the two in the ar line calls only the derivedb.cpp static instantiation, and not the deriveda.cpp instantiation.
Am I missing something with ar or static libraries that somehow do not play nice with static variables in C++?