I'm pretty new to the Leaflet library, and to JavaScript in general, and I'm stuck trying to figure out how to show/hide a leaflet Label based on the zoom level (and the markers are in a 'cluster' layer).
The markers are all loaded via AJAX callback and then I bind the popup and label using the onEachFeature
, then I add the layer of geoJson markers to the map.
I'd like to only show the labels when zoomed in to some level, but I haven't had any luck. I also tried adding the leaflet.zoomcss.js
but I guess I'm not using that correctly.
var officesLayerGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();
var currentMakers;
function DiaplyLocalOffices(jqOffices) {
currentMakers = new L.geoJson(jqOffices, {
style: function (feature) {
var c = feature.properties.markercolor;
if (feature.properties.OfficeID == 0) {
c = 'yellow';
return { color: c };
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return new L.CircleMarker(latlng, { radius: 7, fillOpacity: 0.5 });
onEachFeature: bindOfficePopup
function bindOfficePopup(feature, layer) {
// This function adds the popup based on the information in the 'layer' or marker
// Keep track of the layer(marker)
feature.layer = layer;
var props = feature.properties;
if (props) {
var desc = '<span id="feature-popup">';
//.. a bunch of other html added here!
var warn = props.Warning ? props.Warning : null;
if (warn !== null) {
desc += '<font size="4" color="red"><strong><em>' + warn + '</em></strong></font></br>';
desc += '</span>';
layer.bindLabel('Hi Label!', { noHide: true, className: 'my-css-styled-labels'});
I've also tried adding it like this but that didn't work either:
zoomend: showLabel(e)
and then a quickie function:
function showLabel(e) {
z = map.getZoom();
if (z > 6) {
layer.bindLabel("HIYA", { noHide: true, className: 'my-css-styled-labels' });
But no luck, even when adding the library and CSS styles for leaflet.zoomcss.js
Sorry for being lengthy, but any help would be really appreciated!