I have the following table
<table class="datatable zebra-striped">
<tbody data-bind="foreach: Publications">
<td><span data-bind="text: Name" /></td>
<td><span data-bind="text: IssueNumber" /></td>
<td><button type="button" class="btn" data-bind="click: $parent.DeletePublication">Delete</button></td>
Here is a snippet of the viewmodel:
function EditReaderViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.Publications = ko.observableArray([]);
self.OnAddPublicationSaveButtonClicked = function () {
//.. code omitted.
self.Publications.push(new Publication(publication.value, publication.label, publication.issueNumber));
and the Publication object binded to the table:
function Publication(id, name, issueNumber) {
var self = this;
self.Id = id;
self.Name = name;
self.IssueNumber = issueNumber;
self.LoadedFromDatabase = false;
When the data is first loaded into the table, and the datatable initialisation e.g.
$(".datatable").dataTable({ // blahh });
Everything works fine - the data is loaded in the table, sorting and filtering is working, etc.
Now when I add a new item to the Publications array in the viewmodel things just fall apart. For example, say I originally have 1 item in the Publications array, when I add another item, it will appear in the table until I click on a column heading to sort.
It seems that the datatable has it's own internal data list somewhere which does not include the new Publication I created.
Can someone guide me on how to rebuild the datatable, taking into account that the data is from a KnockoutJS viewmodel?
Please note that I have looked at this binding plugin:
The problem is that when I use this, I get error messages such as:
Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row 0.
I'm looking through the code and I think I see the problem. In jQuery.DataTables.js there is this function function _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iCol, sSpecific )
In that function there is this line:
if ( (sData=oCol.fnGetData( oData )) === undefined )
which in turn calls:
function _fnGetObjectDataFn( mSource )
Now, in function _fnGetObjectDataFn( mSource )
there is this code which is called:
/* Array or flat object mapping */
return function (data) {
return data[mSource];
is not an array, it's a JSON object which means that the above code will fail (return data[mSource];
I'm really not sure what to do here.
As one of the commentators has noticed, and I've just confirmed, accessing
will result in a Trojan warning. So please be aware that this url is now an big NO-NO.