Resize ArrayBuffer

2020-06-12 05:05发布


If I want to create an arraybuffer, I write: var buff = new ArrayBuffer(size)

But how is it possible to resize an existing buffer? I mean, adding some more bytes at the end of the buffer.


var buff = new ArrayBuffer(32);
buff[31] = 43;
var newBuff = new ArrayBuffer(buff.byteLength*2);

for (var i=0;i<buff.byteLength;i++){
    newBuff[i] = buff[i];

buff = newBuff;

I've done it in C++ like this. Just made a bigger array and copy the contents over and then return the larger array and set it as the original.


No set on the ArrayBuffer itself. There is set on the TypedArray though. Use like this:

var oldBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(20);

var newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(40);
new Uint8Array(newBuffer).set(oldBuffer);


The way to do that would be ArrayBuffer.transfer(oldBuffer, newByteLength), like so:

var buffA = new ArrayBuffer(30);
var buffB = ArrayBuffer.transfer(buffA, 40);

// buffA is now an empty array buffer (`buffA.byteLength === 0`)
// whereas buffB is a new buffer that starts with a's contents
// and ends with 10 bytes that are 0s.

// Much faster than manually copying. You could even just do:

var buffA = new ArrayBuffer(30);
buffA = ArrayBuffer.transfer(buffA, 40);

// Or as a prototype method

ArrayBuffer.prototype.resize = function(newByteLength) {
    return ArrayBuffer.transfer(this, newByteLength);

var buffA = new ArrayBuffer(30);
buffA = buffA.resize(40);

However (as of October 2017) there is 0% browser support (not even Node.js support) and is not even drafted yet.

Until this is available, you can use the polyfill given on the page, which copies 8 bytes at a time, so is relatively quick for large arrays (Though it does not empty the given array, which is impossible to do).

Here is a modified version using TypeArray.prototype.set instead of for loops:

if (!ArrayBuffer.transfer) {
  ArrayBuffer.transfer = function(oldBuffer, newByteLength) {
    var srcBuffer = Object(oldBuffer);
    var destBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(newByteLength);
    if (!(srcBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) || !(destBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
      throw new TypeError('Source and destination must be ArrayBuffer instances');
    var copylen = Math.min(srcBuffer.byteLength, destBuffer.byteLength);

    /* Copy 8 bytes at a time */
    var length = Math.trunc(copylen / 64);
    (new Float64Array(destBuffer, 0, length))
      .set(new Float64Array(srcBuffer, 0, length));

    /* Copy the remaining 0 to 7 bytes, 1 byte at a time */
    var offset = length * 64;
    length = copylen - offset;
    (new Uint8Array(srcBuffer, offset, length))
      .set(new Uint8Array(destBuffer, offset, length));

    return destBuffer;


You can't.

From the MDN :

The ArrayBuffer is a data type that is used to represent a generic, fixed-length binary data buffer.

I don't know what you try to do but obviously you don't use them how they're meant to be used.

This page is a good starting point to learn how to use typed arrays in JavaScript.


What you are looking for is the "set" method. After creating a new, larger array, simply call the set function and copy over the older content.