I want to clear the console suggestion because I entered some data in it and dont want it to been seen by others. Just want to know if there is way or do I just go to %appdata% and clear off things.
[EDIT] As of Chrome 50, you can use "Clear console history" from the console context menu.
The situation seems to be a bit unlikely to happen (confident information in the devtools console?), but I've found the problem of clearing command history interesting. Especially, when it turned out that nothing from the 'Settings'->'Clear browsing data...'
clears it. Closing the tab or restarting the browser doesn't help either.
First, I've opened DevTools (A) in a separate window:
Then, knowing that DevTools are in fact a webapp, I've opened another DevTools window (B) inside already opened one (A) using keyboard shortcut. Next, I've navigated to the "Resoures" tab, and in the "Local storage" section found a consoleHistory
After removing it (right-click and "Delete") and closing both DevTools windows (A and B) I found my console history empty.
I actually ran into this issue (needing to clear consoleHistory
) when I maxed out its capacity. In this case clicking on chrome-devtools://de...
in inspector would crash the window and trying to delete via localStorage.clear()
or localStorage.removeItem()
would timeout or be otherwise unsuccessful.
At the end of it -- my fix was deleting the localStorage data files themselves. On a mac, the instructions are:
cd ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage
rm chrome-devtools_devtools_0.localstorage
rm chrome-devtools_devtools_0.localstorage-journal
A quick google search suggests on Windows it's %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage
, but you may need to double check.
You can try this and see if it helps. Open the console keyboard shortcuts and just right click anywhere bellow current typing line and select "clear console history". ( Screenshot )