The question:
Find shortest path between two articles in english Wikipedia. Path between article A and B exist if there are articles C(i) and there is a link in article A that leads to article C(1), in article C(1) link that leads to article C(2), ..., in article C(n) is link that leads to article B
I'm using Python. URL to download wikipedia article:
- Wikipedia API
I have edited my source code, but it still does not work when I include those articles in codes can any one tell me what am I messing here?
This is my code:
import urllib2
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
text = ET.fromstring(F_D.text.encode('UTF-8'))
text = ET.fromstring(P.text.encode('UTF-8'))
links = text.findall('.//*[@id=”mw-content-text”]/p/a')
E_D = graph_dict
E_D[start] = 0
for vertex in E_D:
F_D[vertex] = E_D[vertex]
if vertex == end: break
for edge in graph[vertex]:
path_distance = F_D[vertex] + graph[vertex][edge]
if edge in F_D:
if path_distance < F_D[edge]:
#raise ValueError,
elif edge not in E_D or path_distance < E_D[edge]:
E_D[edge] = path_distance
[edge] = vertex
return (F_D,P)
def Shortest_Path(graph,start,end):
F_D,P = D_Algorithm(graph,start,end)
path = []
while 1:
if end == start: break
end = P[end]
return path