How do I overwrite the global Exception handler in javascript so that it becomes the top level handler for all uncaught exceptions?
EDIT: window.onerror didnt work, code is:
<script language='javascript'>
window.onerror = function (em, url, ln) {
alert(em + ", " + url + ", " + ln);
return false;
function fGo() {
var a = b; // error here : b not defined
catch (e)
throw e;
<button onclick='fGo()'>GO</button>
I'm testing on chrome, by the way. Developer console registers the uncaught exception, but the alert() in window.onerror does not appear.
As of 2013 Chrome supports the window.onerror
. (I have version 25 comments imply earlier versions as well)
What I did was to wrap JQuery using currying to create a proxy that always does a try...catch
in the JQuery functions.
I use it in, however the solution only holds for JQuery scripts.
Before 2013 Google Chrome didn't support window.onerror
, apparently it wasn't implemented in WebKit.
window.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
// code to run when error has occured on page
Chrome Support for window.onerror
- I believe support started in Chrome v10 (Chromium Issue 7771), but it looks as if "full" support with CORS support was resolved around Chrome 30+ (Chromium Issue 159566)
- doesn't currently track this JS feature (GitHub Issue 11999) ... to add support to this issue, login to GitHub & "react" with a "Thumbs Up" on the original post (don't +1 in comments.)
Current Google Documentation for window.onerror
- Chrome DevTools ~ Handle runtime exceptions using window.onerror
Perhaps you're looking for window.onerror Not sure whether this is available on all browsers.