Global javascript exception handler (in Chrome)

2020-06-12 02:17发布


How do I overwrite the global Exception handler in javascript so that it becomes the top level handler for all uncaught exceptions?

EDIT: window.onerror didnt work, code is:

<script language='javascript'>
    window.onerror = function (em, url, ln) {
        alert(em + ", " + url + ", " + ln);
        return false;

    function fGo() {
            var a = b; // error here : b not defined
        catch (e)
            throw e;
    <button onclick='fGo()'>GO</button>

I'm testing on chrome, by the way. Developer console registers the uncaught exception, but the alert() in window.onerror does not appear.


As of 2013 Chrome supports the window.onerror. (I have version 25 comments imply earlier versions as well)

What I did was to wrap JQuery using currying to create a proxy that always does a try...catch in the JQuery functions.

I use it in, however the solution only holds for JQuery scripts.

Before 2013 Google Chrome didn't support window.onerror, apparently it wasn't implemented in WebKit.


window.onerror = function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
    // code to run when error has occured on page


Chrome Support for window.onerror

  • I believe support started in Chrome v10 (Chromium Issue 7771), but it looks as if "full" support with CORS support was resolved around Chrome 30+ (Chromium Issue 159566)
  • doesn't currently track this JS feature (GitHub Issue 11999) ... to add support to this issue, login to GitHub & "react" with a "Thumbs Up" on the original post (don't +1 in comments.)

Current Google Documentation for window.onerror

  • Chrome DevTools ~ Handle runtime exceptions using window.onerror


Perhaps you're looking for window.onerror Not sure whether this is available on all browsers.