QML animations visible property changes

2020-06-10 02:32发布


I want an animation to be painted when an element becomes visible (is should appear smoothly, not the whole at all)

I tried this

states: State
    name: "iconOff"
    when: iconOnSwitch.checked == false
    PropertyChanges { target: selectIconRow; visible: false }

transitions: Transition
    reversible: true
    from: ""
    to: "iconOff"
        properties: "x,y,visible"
        easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
        from: selectIconRow
        property: "visible"

But the selectIconRow still appears immediately

How can I use such an animation?


Because it's boolean, visible property cannot be animated. Perhaps opacity could do the trick.


Here is how to do it with opacity:

Rectangle {
    id: myRect
    property bool stateVisible: true
    states: [
        State { when: stateVisible;
            PropertyChanges {   target: myRect; opacity: 1.0    }
        State { when: !stateVisible;
            PropertyChanges {   target: myRect; opacity: 0.0    }
    transitions: Transition {
        NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; duration: 500}

Keep in mind the advice of Vasco Rinaldo.


I had to modify Uga Buga's answer slightly to make it work, here's what I got:

Rectangle {
    id: myRect
    property bool stateVisible: true
    states: [
        State { when: myRect.stateVisible; 
                PropertyChanges {   target: myRect; opacity: 1.0    }},
        State { when: !myRect.stateVisible;
                PropertyChanges {   target: myRect; opacity: 0.0    }}
    transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; duration: 500}} ]

Please note that stateVisible is referenced through item id, it doesn't work without it on my system. Maybe some change in API caused this.

I also added square bracket in transitions field as an array is required there (although QML syntax seems to allow spelling without brackets)


Just for future references, here's my solution which takes care also of Vasco's warning. Basically I'm animating the visible property of the component after the opacity has changed. It hurts seeing a NumberAnimation on a boolean, but it's working:

states: [
        name: "Visible"
        PropertyChanges{target: root; opacity: 1.0}
        PropertyChanges{target: root; visible: true}
        PropertyChanges{target: root; opacity: 0.0}
        PropertyChanges{target: root; visible: false}

transitions: [
        Transition {
            from: "Visible"
            to: "Invisible"

               NumberAnimation {
                   target: root
                   property: "opacity"
                   duration: 500
                   easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
               NumberAnimation {
                   target: root
                   property: "visible"
                   duration: 0
        Transition {
            from: "Invisible"
            to: "Visible"
               NumberAnimation {
                   target: root
                   property: "visible"
                   duration: 0
               NumberAnimation {
                   target: root
                   property: "opacity"
                   duration: 500
                   easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad

This introduces also a transition when the component is vanishing.


Item {

 scale: visible ? 1.0 : 0.1
 Behavior on scale { 
   NumberAnimation  { duration: 500 ; easing.type: Easing.InOutBounce  } 


does the trick for me.


visibility can be used in NumberAnimation, but to get the needed fading result, opacity animation could be used; like turning visibility ON from function like the following example:

    anchors.fill: parent
    visible: false
    opacity: 0.00
    color: "red"
    Component.onCompleted: {
    NumberAnimation { target: fadingRect; property: "visible"; from: 0; to:1; duration: 20}
    NumberAnimation { target: fadingRect; property: "opacity"; from: 0.00; to:1.00; duration: 4000 }

    onStopped: console.log(fadingRect.visible)

Or :

    anchors.fill: parent
    visible: false
    opacity: 1
    color: "red"
    Component.onCompleted: {
        NumberAnimation { id:animRect; target: fadingRect; property: "opacity"; from: 0; to:1; duration: 2000;
        onStarted: { fadingRect.visible=true; console.log(fadingRect.visible)}