I'm trying to clone an image in javascript, bud without loading a new one.
Normally new browsers will load an image once and there are several ways to use that image again.
The problem is that when I test it in IE 6 the image will request a new image from the server.
Anyone how has some info on how to do this in older browsers?
3 methods that not work:
<title>My Image Cloning</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
sourceImage = new Image();
sourceImage.src = "myImage.png";
function cloneImageA () {
imageA = new Image();
imageA.src = sourceImage.src;
function cloneImageB () {
imageB = sourceImage.cloneNode(true);
function cloneImageC()
var HTML = '<img src="' + sourceImage.src + '" alt="" />';
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML += HTML;
<div id="controle">
<button onclick="cloneImageA();">Clone method A</button>
<button onclick="cloneImageB();">Clone method B</button>
<button onclick="cloneImageC();">Clone method C</button>
<div id="content">
Added cache-headers server-side with a simple .htaccess file in the directory of the image(s):
Header unset Pragma
Header set Cache-Control "public, max-age=3600, must-revalidate"
All of the above javascript method's will use the image loaded if the cache-headers are set.