I was wondering if there was a way to multiply BigInteger
variables together, because the *
operator cannot be applied to BigInteger
So I was wondering if it was possible to multiply two BigIntegers
together without using the *
I was wondering if there was a way to multiply BigInteger
variables together, because the *
operator cannot be applied to BigInteger
So I was wondering if it was possible to multiply two BigIntegers
together without using the *
You use BigInteger
s multiply()
method like so:
BigInteger int1 = new BigInteger("131224324234234234234313");
BigInteger int2 = new BigInteger("13345663456346435648234313");
BigInteger result = int1.multiply(int2)
I should have pointed out a while ago that BigInteger
is immutable. So any result of an operation has to be stored into a variable. The operator or operand are never changed.
Easier way to implement:
int i = 5;
BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger("12345678901");
BigInteger result = bigInt.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i))
You can use the multiply(BigInteger) method in BigInteger. So:
BigInteger result = someBigInt.multiply(anotherBigInt);
BigInteger in Java API
The result multiplying these specific factors
A: 131224324234234234234313
B: 13345663456346435648234313
Could be this one (I hope I am correct):
R: 1751275668516575787795211751170772134115968581969
Both are considered being two positive integers. And the technique used was Karatsuba’s method
int ab = (mul1) * 10^n + (mul3 - mul1 - mul2) * 10^n/2 + mul2;