I just uploaded a new binary to iTunes Connect and added it to a new version of an iOS app.
After adding the binary and saving changes, iTunes Connect displays the warning message:
"Your binary doesn’t support iPad. The screenshots or app video preview for iPad won’t be shown on the App Store."
The Xcode project was generated using the Cordova 3 CLI; the uploaded binary is the first Cordova 3 version since the app was migrated from Cordova 2.
The app has been tested on iPad and it works fine.
Xcode project setting for devices is "Universal" (TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2" in project.pbxproj):
Xcode architecture settings are the defaults, so they are not explicitly specified in project.pbxproj:
I've Googled this warning message and found no useful information, so hoping someone here has come across this before and can offer some advice.