How do I write and compile Objective-C code in Linux?
I heard about Clang, but I couldn't find any example/tutorial about Clang/LLVM/Objective-C.
How do I write and compile Objective-C code in Linux?
I heard about Clang, but I couldn't find any example/tutorial about Clang/LLVM/Objective-C.
sudo apt-get install build-essential gobjc gobjc++ gnustep gnustep-devel libgnustep-base-dev -y
vi *.m
gcc `gnustep-config --objc-flags` *.m -lgnustep-base -lobjc
You download and build LLVM as the compiler infrastructure; then you download and build the CLANG front-end to compile C/C++ and Objective C/C++.
I guess you could try following this quick start guide. Mind that Clang could actually replace GCC when working with these languages.
Take a look at they have tools for developing with Objective-C 2.0 for LINUX. The source files and hints on how to install it on several LINUX distros are here:
Just run the following script shown on this page:
Pay attention: During the first compiling process you will get an error. Solution is just to recompile it... It works !!! Here is the blog entry from the step by step installation but I really recommend the script!