I'm working With Android Studio 8.9
I've got a build.gradle with the following dependency defined:
compile ('my.program.commons:my-program-commons:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT@jar')
This dependency is stored in a private Sonatype nexus repository.
When I make changes in the my.program.commons code, I upload to nexus.
The problem is that when I then try to compile against the new SNAPSHOT android studio will fail to pick up changes.
When run from the command line gradle will build succesfully - but Android Studio will not recognize the new files.
If i do a version tick - say from 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT to 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT Android Studio will understand the new version and download and everything works out fine.
I don't want to have to do a minor version tick on every single change.
You need to configure the cache duration, by default gradle won't look for updates for 24 hours:
In my case, use changing = true
not work for me. But configure cache changing modules solve my problem. Sample code below, add in build.gradle
configurations.all {
// Don't cache changing modules at all.
resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
See: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_management.html
You can also put a flag called "changing" that will trigger Gradle to always pull the latest, for example:
compile ('my.program.commons:my-program-commons:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT@jar') {
changing = true;
In my case, removing the whole <project_root>/.idea/libraries
directory, was the only solution that worked. AndroidStudio stores some cached dependencies configurations there. Removing the directory makes it refetch all of them one more time.
You can write some script/task that will automate this removal and run it as part of the Gradle clean