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Closed 4 months ago.
Why am I not able to see responses in Charles Proxy when debugging an app?
It is very strange, all certificates have been installed on my laptop and trusted, same for my devices, and I am still getting SSL Proxying not enabled for this host
, even though I have the enable SSL box ticked.
I have never run into this issue before. What can I do?
Charles Proxy does not proxy any domain unless specified in the Proxy Settings. It's on the Charles Proxy Documentation:
You must specifically identify the host names you want to enable SSL Proxying on. The list is in the Proxy Settings, SSL tab. You can also right-click on a host name in the structure view and turn on or off SSL Proxying.
If you want all HTTPS traffic to be captured by Charles, then you can add *:* on that list:
If you're looking to only monitor few domains related to your app. A Simple solution would be, just right click on the domain name that you're trying to monitor and in the context menu shown, click Enable SSL Proxying
, charles will take care of filling the url and port itself.