Previously I was manually using a Makefile that looked something like this:
.PHONY: all
all: tests
.PHONY: tests
tests: py_env
bash -c 'source py_env/bin/activate && py.test tests'
py_env: requirements_dev.txt
rm -rf py_env
virtualenv py_env
bash -c 'source py_env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements_dev.txt'
This had the nice side-effect that if I changed requirements_dev.txt or, it would rebuild my virtualenv. But feels a bit clunky.
I'd like to use tox
to do a similar thing. I understand tox
has a --recreate
option, but I'd rather call that only when I need to.
My new setup is something like this:
# Makefile
.PHONY: all
all: tests
.PHONY: tests
# tox.ini
project = my_project
envlist = py26,py27
install_command = pip install --use-wheel {opts} {packages}
deps = -rrequirements_dev.txt
commands =
py.test {posargs:tests}
An ideal solution would use just things in tox
, however an acceptable solution would involve the Makefile and the --recreate
There seems to be an open issue in tox for just this problem. (click and add your comment and vote, making the authors aware about how common the issue is)
We'll need to either submit a patch or work around it. Workaround that come to mind:
- List dependencies directly in the
. Use your build system to ensure that the tox.ini stays in sync with the requirements.txt
- Add a rule to your Makefile that does a tox --recreate whenever the requirements.txt changes.
Workaround 2 seems most straightforward.
Here's the Makefile workaround I ended up going with:
.PHONY: all
all: tests
.PHONY: tests
tests: .venv.touch
.venv.touch: requirements.txt requirements_dev.txt
$(eval REBUILD_FLAG := --recreate)
touch .venv.touch
$ make tests
touch .venv.touch
tox --recreate
[[ SNIP ]]
$ make tests
[[ SNIP ]]
$ touch requirements.txt
$ make tests
touch .venv.touch
tox --recreate
[[ SNIP ]]
Determined to solve this, I've written a tox plugin to accomplish this:
The plugin hooks into virtualenv creation and uses venv-update to keep dependencies in sync.
The usage is pretty straightforward: