Trying to copy a char *str
to char c[]
but getting segmentation fault or invalid initializer error.
Why is this code is giving me a seg fault?
char *token = "some random string";
char c[80];
strcpy( c, token);
strncpy(c, token, sizeof c - 1);
c[79] = '\0';
char *broken = strtok(c, "#");
use strncpy()
rather than strcpy()
/* code not tested */
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char *src = "gkjsdh fkdshfkjsdhfksdjghf ewi7tr weigrfdhf gsdjfsd jfgsdjf gsdjfgwe";
char dst[10]; /* not enough for all of src */
strcpy(dst, src); /* BANG!!! */
strncpy(dst, src, sizeof dst - 1); /* OK ... but `dst` needs to be NUL terminated */
dst[9] = '\0';
return 0;
char *str = "Hello";
char c[6];
strcpy( c, str );
use strncpy to be sure to not copy more charachters than the char[] can contains
char *s = "abcdef";
char c[6];
strncpy(c, s, sizeof(c)-1);
// strncpy is not adding a \0 at the end of the string after copying it so you need to add it by yourself
c[sizeof(c)-1] = '\0';
Edit: Code added to question
Viewing your code the segmentation fault could be by the line
strcpy(c, token)
The problem is if token length is bigger than c length then memory is filled out of the c var and that cause troubles.
char c[] must have some size;
for example
char c[]= "example init string";
// that set up table c to c[19];
You can allocate it directly at the begginign of Your program;
char c[19] = {0}; // null filled table
char c[i] is the pointer so You don't need to copy anything;
char c[19] ;
c = "example init string";
// now &c[0] points the same address;
Copy can be done wiht
strcpy(dst, src);
but MS force You to use secure function:
It's been a while since i coded in c/c++, but c[80] is probably allocated on the stack. If you use char *c and strdup or similiar you get it allocated on the heap where strtok can access it.
Try something like this.
char *token = "some random string";
char *c;
c = strdup(token);
char *broken = strtok(c, "#");
Thanks for adding the code.
Perhaps the segfault occurs here:
strncpy(c, token, sizeof c - 1);
sizeof has a the same precedence as '-' from right to left, so it is probably processed as :
strncpy(c, token, sizeof( c - 1 ) );
instead of
strncpy(c, token, sizeof(c) - 1);
which is probably what you wanted