Apple's TestFlight provides old builds

2020-06-09 02:38发布


My team uses TestFlight to deploy beta builds within the company. Frequently, the TestFlight App does not want to install the latest version.

For example, we will get a TestFlight email informing us about an App update for build #91. The email includes a link ""Open in TestFlight". When you tap the link, TestFlight opens, but offers to install build #90 (an older build), instead of build #91 (the latest).

  • Is this a known problem?
  • Are there work arounds to improve the situation?


In the "Prereleases" list for your App, once your build has finished processing, you'll be able to click the link for that particular test build and go a page with meta data about it. Switch to the "Test Information" tab.

I had filled "TestFlight Beta Information" section, but empty "Beta App Review Information". After filled second one and saved, I received email and notification about new build available.


Fill whole form :P


I must emphasize that currently, there are 2 ways to force iTunes Connect to push the update out:

1) Enter meta data and update the build.

2) Disable TestFlight Beta Testing, and re-Enable it.

But these are both workarounds; internal testing is not supposed to work this way.

I have attempted to file a bug report to Apple Support as detailed in another post:

I suggest you guys try the same; more reports means more chance of them actually seeing one of them.


Lots of helpful answers here – thank you everyone.

I just noticed something interesting.

I set up the "What to test" info before the new build had finished being in the "Processing" state (the other info is copied over for a new build). When it completed processing, no messages were sent.

I went back to the build info and changed "What to test" enough to enable a Save. On hitting Save, the TestFlight notifications were immediately sent to the test devices I have (and I assume to my colleagues' too).

On this build I have the "What to Test", "App Description" and "Feedback Email" fields set, but I have left the other fields blank.

I suspect that any save operation in this form after the build finishes "Processing" is enough to fire off the update emails. If you fill in everything, it takes you longer, and you are more likely to press Save once "Processing" has finished :-)


I was getting same problem but was able to fix it. I went to the meta data section of new build and added added some text and did a save. And now my build became active and the emails were sent to internal testers.