I'm making a drag and drop application and I have created an observable to the mouse position, that repositions my drag-object
mouseMove$: any;
this.mouseMove$ = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
.do((mouseevent: MouseEvent) => {
if (document.getElementById("drag-object")){
document.getElementById("drag-object").style.left = (mouseevent.clientX) + 'px';
document.getElementById("drag-object").style.top = (mouseevent.clientY) + 'px';
With this implementation I have no problem subscribing in this way:
however I cannot seem to unsubscribe by either:
in either case I get the following type of error:
TypeError: this.mouseMove$.unsubscribe is not a function ...
I'm not sure if this has to do with the mouseMove$
type of any
, but setting the type as Observable
and Observable<MouseEvent>
did not work. What am I not understanding here?