I have to work with an existing database (not managed with Doctrine) and I want to use doctrine only for new tables in this db.
is there a way to tell Doctrine to not drop the entire DB on reload but only the models defined in the yaml
file ?
I have to work with an existing database (not managed with Doctrine) and I want to use doctrine only for new tables in this db.
is there a way to tell Doctrine to not drop the entire DB on reload but only the models defined in the yaml
file ?
I know this a very old question, and it appears you are using symfony.
app/console --env=prod doctrine:schema:drop --full-database
This will drop all the tables in the DB.
For Symfony 3:
$entityManager = $container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$entityManager->getConnection()->prepare("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;")->execute();
foreach ($entityManager->getConnection()->getSchemaManager()->listTableNames() as $tableNames) {
$sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . $tableNames;
$entityManager->getConnection()->prepare("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;")->execute();
My 2 cents, if you want do this via Php:
$em = ....getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
$metaData = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$tool = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool($em);
This is a bit slow, you can also delete all data from all tables:
$em = getContainer()->get('doctrine.dbal.default_connection');
foreach($em->getSchemaManager()->listTableNames() as $tableName)
$em->exec('DELETE FROM ' . $tableName);
Old question, but adding for a future soul.
Based on Meezaan-ud-Din's answer quickly found it for Zend Framework 3 + Doctrine 2
./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:drop --full-database -f --dump-sql
Do NOT use in production
to "drop" database--full-database
to wipe out everything in database which is managed by Doctrine!--force
(or -f
to show the SQL being executed. May be combined with the -f
flag.Complete code for execution found in class: \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command\SchemaTool\DropCommand
You can find a task I use to truncate all tables from a db at this gist: https://gist.github.com/1154458
The core code is:
$this->dbh = $connection->getDbh();
$this->dbh->query(sprintf('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;'));
$tables = $connection->import->listTables();
foreach ($tables as $table)
$this->dbh->query(sprintf('TRUNCATE TABLE %s', $tableName));
$this->dbh->query(sprintf('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;'));
I this Symfony command to drop all tables:
bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --full-database --force
I added flag --force after get a caution message.
Yes, surely you can use doctrine only for some tables(not all). And it won't drop all the other tables., unless you manually run
This is how you can start using Doctine for your new tables:
Setup DB Connection
Setup Doctrine's files/directory structure
Use Command Line Interface in order to automatically generate all Doctrine models(and schema) based on DB tables(you can delete unncessesary models manually).
@ gpilotino Yes, I'm having a similar problem. There seems to be NO WAY to drop and rebuild the database from within PHPUnit, (The future of Symfony testing).
Maybe it's possible in 'lime',I don't know.
So, I am having to write a reverse ->save() function that backs all the data out of the database, and then resets all the sequences so that I can do automated testing.
For those who don't want to follow in my frustration I tried both:
1) using a Task from inside of symfony:
$task = new sfDoctrineBuildTask($configuration->getEventDispatcher(), new sfFormatter());
$task->run($argumentsArray, $optionsArray);
2)Executing it from outside of symfony while inside of PHP:
exec('./symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load --no-confirmation');
The reason that I closed the connection is that Postgres, MDBOC (my db of choice) will not drop a database that has a connection. Probably is STILL some kind of problem. I tell ya, it's NEVER as easy as the simple tutorials show. And it's even WORSE with microslop products.